Biodegradable plastics have also been banned in the European Union
2023-12-21 10:47
In a global campaign to ban plastic, biodegradable plastics are now banned in the European Union.
In the context of the global ban on plastic, it is the idea of enterprises to replace disposable plastics with degradable plastics. Completely naturally degradable plant fiber (pulp) molded products seem to occupy a small share in the face of the huge degradable plastics.
However, the degradation of degradable plastics is conditional. The degradable plastic first needs to be recycled and then composted to completely degrade. However, only valuable things can be effectively recycled. Generally, degradable plastics will become brittle after 6 months, lose the value of re-use, and there is no recycling value. If it cannot be recycled for composting, biodegradable plastics will not degrade naturally.
Due to the fact that degradable plastics cannot be completely degraded naturally, they have actually become one of the main culprits of white pollution. Biodegradable plastics have also been banned in the European Union since July 3.
Plant fiber (pulp) molded products are truly environmentally friendly products that can be naturally degraded and are currently the only viable alternative to some plastic products. For example, in the field of pulp molding tableware packaging, the field of pulp molding industrial packaging is a good substitute for many plastic products.
Starting July 3, European Union member states will have to move away from single-use and oxidation-degradable plastics and only allow the use of recyclable plastics, which the European Commission has ruled cannot be put on the EU market because it believes plastics are harmful to Marine life, biodiversity and our health. Reducing the use of single-use plastics can help protect the health of people and the planet. This policy may greatly affect the lives and work of our Chinese and street friends.
Let's see what items will gradually be replaced by sustainable alternatives after July 3: for example, balloons, bottle caps with a capacity of up to 3 liters, polystyrene foam cups, disposable utensils, straws, plates, and only reusable products will be allowed in parties.
The food packaging industry will also be forced to transform, with food packaging no longer using oxidation-degradable plastics, only paper (pulp molding products are more ideal).
There are also pads, tampons, wipes, bags, cotton swabs. Cigarette filters will change, and the fishing industry will ban the use of plastic tools. (According to Greenpeace, 640,000 tons of plastic fishing nets and tools are discarded in the ocean every year, and they are actually the main culprit.) These products will be controlled through different measures, such as reducing their consumption and producers paying a "pollution fee".
Of course, such measures have also caused criticism and controversy in many countries, because this move will also be a great blow to the entire Italian plastics industry's 160,000 jobs and the plastics industry as a whole. In the last few hours, Roberto Cingolani, the minister of Ecological Transformation, has attacked the EU's definition of a ban on plastics, saying: "It is strange that you can only use recyclable plastics, biodegradable plastics are not allowed. And our country, which is a leader in biodegradable plastics, can't use them because of a ridiculous directive that says "only recyclable plastics can be used."
This may also affect China's exports of small commodities, the future export of plastic products to EU countries, may be restricted and material requirements. The European Union does pay more attention to the protection of the environment, which is why there are so many famous beaches, beautiful clear seas, and lush forests. I do not know whether street friends have noticed, such as McDonald's fast food, has quietly replaced plastic straws and cup LIDS with paper LIDS and paper straws, perhaps in the early implementation of the measures will be some people are not used to, but gradually will be accepted as the norm.
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